Insights from ASEAN-wide emissions trading...
Author: Duong Binh Nguyen, Duy Nong and more
This study employs a global CGE model (GTAP-E-PowerS), which was specifically designed for climate change policy studies. This is a GTAP-based model, which was widely used in the literature to study different climate change and tax-related scenarios and was extended by Peters (2016) to include various base-load and peak-load electricity generation technologies. In each generation of technology, there are fossil- and renewable-based resources of which these resources are substitutable for each other within each technology, but base load and peak load electricity commodities are uniquely without any substitution. The model was then developed further by Nong (2020) to improve the capacity of the carbon market and associated simulations.
ASEAN, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
July 2023