
Cambodia’s forestry and energy power generation becomes the two sectors of focus for the country’s climate action strategies.

They ambitiously want to reduce deforestation rates by 50% in 2030, in line with their REDD+ Strategy. Within their updated NDC targets,

the country has improved their coverage, including climate change mitigation targets in agricultural and waste sectors. 

Net Zero Target


Oil and traditional biomass become the dominant energy sources in TPES.
In 2021, primary coal imports for Cambodia were 2,854 thousand short tons. Before primary coal imports of Cambodia started to increase to reach a level of 2,854 thousand short tons in 2021, it went through a trough reaching a low of 0 thousand short tons in 2004 [1].

[1] Cambodia – Total Primary Coal Imports

Oil has become the main consumption by end users in the TFEC. Otherwise, electricity looks low in the chart, this also indicates that the country has relatively poor electrification.

NDC Document

Source: UNFCCC NDC Registry – Cambodia
Powered By:
  • Energy industries, manufacturing industries, transport, and other sectors:

Cambodia intends to undertake actions to reduce GHG emissions, the impact of which is expected to be a maximum reduction of 3,100 Gg CO2eq compared to baseline emissions of 11,600 Gg CO2eq by 2030.

  • Land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF):

Cambodia intends to undertake voluntary and conditional actions to achieve the target of increasing forest cover to 60% of the national land area by 2030. In absence of any actions, the net sequestration from LULUCF is expected to reduce to 7,897 GgCO2 in 2030 compared to the projected sequestration of 18,492 GgCO2 in 2010.

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