Brunei Darussalam

Brunei’s power generation, fugitive emissions in industrial process and land transportation are responsible for almost 88%

of Brunei’s total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2018. In their most recent NDC pledge, Brunei identified 10 key strategies

that has potential to reduce more than 50% of the 2035 projected gross GHG emissions. 

Net Zero Target


There are only two main energy sources in TPES, which crude oil remain as the domain. However, the amount of TPES has reduced gradually since 2006, then spiked again in 2010 and 2011. Brunei’s production was reported at 98,178 barrels of oil per day in 2021. This record is down from the previous record of 100,500 barrels of oil per day in 2020.

Oil products have been the domain of TFEC followed by electricity, which electricity consumption has been in a consistent increment trend since 2005.

NDC Document

Source: UNFCCC NDC – Brunei
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  1. Energy sector: to reduce total energy consumption by 63% by 2035 compared to a Business-As-Usual (BAU) scenario, and to increase the share of renewables so that 10% of the total power generation is sourced from renewable energy by 2035.
  2. Land Transport sector: to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from morning peak hour vehicle use by 40% by 2035 compared to a business-as-usual scenario.
  3. Forestry sector: to increase the total gazetted forest reserves to 55% of the total land area, compared to the current levels of 41%.

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