The Gender Equality in ASEAN Energy Booklet Volume II provides fresh insights into gender mainstreaming within ASEAN’s energy sector, highlighting both progress and ongoing challenges.In continuation of the first volume, this volume highlights several key areas related to gender equality in the energy sector:
Women’s crucial roles as leaders and consumers within the energy sector, and the barriers limiting their participation.
Global commitments to gender equality, such as CEDAW and the Paris Agreement.
Regional initiatives promoting gender equality, including efforts by the EU and African Union.
The status of ASEAN Member States in integrating gender policies nationally
Challenges such as data gaps, societal norms, limited employment opportunities, and financial constraints.
Recommendations to incorporate gender equality into the upcoming ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) to ensure a just and inclusive energy transition.
Profiles of influential women leaders actively shaping ASEAN’s energy landscape.