Manila, 17 June 2020
The Asia Clean Energy Forum (ACEF) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is one of Asia’s leading clean energy events and is held each June. ACEF connects diverse stakeholders from across Asia and the globe, facilitates knowledge sharing, and highlights ADB’s ground-breaking work to scale up clean energy investment in the region. The clean energy professionals and developing member country (DMC) officials who attend ACEF have one thing in common—they are passionate people who are eager to drive change towards a more sustainable energy future.
This year, in the midst of a global pandemic, it’s going virtual and includes new Track on COVID-19 Impacts on Energy Systems and Policy Responses. Beni Suryadi, Project Manager of ACCEPT, was invited to share the findings from a recent survey on the Impact of Covid-19 on Energy and Climate Change at Session 5.2: COVID-19 and the Energy Sector: Policy Perspectives.
Other speakers are Liutong Zhang, Director, WaterRock Energy Economics (HK) Ltd, presenting the Impact of COVID-19 on Renewable Curtailment and Capacity Planning in the 14th Five Year Plan in China, Jennifer Leisch, Principal, Two Degrees Group presenting COVID-19 and the Energy Sector: Impacts and Opportunities in Southeast Asia and panelist are Jens Jaeger, Policy & Business Development Manager (Asia-Pacific), Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE), and Robin Hughes, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Clean Vehicle Solutions Asia Ltd. The session is moderated by Dan Millison, Consultant, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, Asian Development Bank.
“COVID-19 is affecting fossil fuels the most, but renewable energy is also considered to be hit. A positive temporary effect on the climate must be used to mainstream the information about climate change mitigation into the society, to infuse a more sustainable economy and environment-friendly activities into our daily lives.”
The results of the survey can be found here.
Full presentation can be accessed at ACEF website.