The Second In-house Sharing Session – The Basics of Climate Change Part 1

Jakarta, 27 February 2020

Global warming is happening and has been one of the most pressing environmental issues. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the science that explains the causes of climate change. ACCEPT conducted the second in-house lecture on the Basic of Climate Change (Part I) by Dr. Hoyyen Chan. It was attended by nearly 30 colleagues, which accounted for more than 80% of the total staff at ACE.

ACE Staffs are focusing on Dr. Hoyyen Chan’s explanation about the basic of Climate Change

The lecture started with the introduction of the greenhouse effect and how  greenhouse gases cause the global warming. From the observed greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, we have learned that CO2 is the largest anthropogenic GHG emissions and power sector has been the largest emitter of the CO2. The lecture also introduced the knowledge on the energy budget of the earth, the energy balance between incoming and outgoing of the sun radiation under the present-condition.

In addition to that, the lecture also gave us insights into global warming impacts on the ocean and the cryosphere. Not only we have gained the knowledge of science, which is supported by the data and statistics, the pictures that show the present conditions in the Antarctic and Arctic have also proven to us the urgency of the climate actions needed in combating the climate change. The lecture was then ended with active participation Q&A session that participants applauded enthusiastically.

Dr. Chan Hoyyen sharing the Global Anthropogenic GHG Emissions by Gas, 2010

It was an inspiring lecture and an open-eyed knowledge sharing session, which has motivated us through the knowledge of climate sciences and facts. We are looking forward to learning more about sea-level rise and the impacts on Southeast Asia in the next lecture!

You can find the presentation slides for the sharing session through this link.

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