High-Level Policy Dialogue on “Aligning Policies Towards Low Carbon Economy in the Next ASEAN Regional Energy Blueprint”


In this context, the High-Level Policy Dialogue on ‘Aligning Policies Towards Low Carbon Economy in The Next ASEAN Regional Blueprint” and the Regional Workshop on ‘Advancing Low-Carbon Energy Transition to Support the Next ASEAN Regional Energy Blueprint’ emerge as an essential platform to facilitate discussion on collaboration, share knowledge and coordinate actions among member states to drive the region towards a low carbon economy. This HLPD will support the implementation of APAEC, Programme Area REPP, OBS 6.1 ‘to organise Policy Dialogue on energy-climate nexus and next phase of APAEC’ and support the study on APAEC Post 2025 which will serve as the reference for the APAEC Drafting Committee (ADC) in formulating the next cycle of APAEC 2026-2030.

Target Participant

  • Representatives of energy sector from 10 ASEAN Member States
  • Representatives of climate sector from 10 ASEAN Member States
  • SOE Leader, Director General or Director Level
  • International Organisations
  • Dialogue Partners


26 Jul 2024


Vientiane, Lao PDR

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