Given the importance of contemporary energy and climate issues in ASEAN, and the need for interdisciplinary research on such topics, the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) through their joint ASEAN Climate Change and Energy Project (ACCEPT) established a new group of scholars, analysts, researchers, students, and other stakeholders organized around the themes of “energy studies/researches” and “climate studies/researches”. It is called as the “ASEAN Researchers Network on Energy and Climate Change,” or ARNECC. ARNECC provides an interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of social, economic, governance and technical issues related to energy and/or climate change.
To further promote the information sharing on various papers on energy and climate change about ASEAN or any countries in the region, ACCEPT developed an ARNECC Research Database. It is designed to become a library and show room of the papers published by researchers that are addressing the issues of energy and climate change in the region. Through its filtering function, the users can explore various papers on the topic or country of their interest. Through ARNECC Research Database, it is expected that the researchers further promote their papers, and open the windows of collaboration.
ARNECC Research Database could also potentially become a benchmark of the development of research environment in ASEAN. Furthermore, it will be a solid basis and reference for the policymakers in developing national energy policy.
To introduce ARNECC Research Database and initiate the discussion on how this could be used to support research environment in ASEAN, and bringing the findings for the interest of policymakers and all other stakeholders in the efforts for low carbon transition in the region.