Norway has the population of 5,295,619 in 1 January 2018[1] and the surface area of 324,000 km2, making Norway as one of the least densely populated countries in Europe with 17 inhabitants per km2[2]. Norway is a major net energy exporter, in fact since 1978 (with the exception of 1986 – 1988), Norway has had a positive trade balance due to the export of crude oil, natural gas and hydropower[3]. Norway is listed as the 10th net exporter of crude oil and the 3rd net exporter of natural gas[4]. Considering its resource wealth, Norway has become one of the world’s richest countries and its gross domestic product (GDP) per capita was 46% above the European Union (EU) average in 2017, or the 4th largest GDP per capita in Europe (adjusted for the price level) in 2017[5]. In terms of electricity production, Norway has a 95% share of hydro-electric in 2018[6]. In addition, Norway has the world’s 2nd highest electricity consumption per capita (23,700 kWH), after Iceland. Oslo is the capital and largest city of Norway while the most widely spoken and official language is Norwegian, of which there are two forms, bokmal and new norwegian.
[1] Statistics Norway (
[2] Statistics Norway (
[3] Statistics Norway, July 2019. This is Norway 2019
[4] IEA Energy Atlas (!/tellmap/-1165808390)
[5] Statistics Norway (
[6] Statistics Norway (
NDC Target
Norway’s NDC target is at least 40% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. The emission reduction target will be translated into to an emissions budget covering the period of 2021 – 2030. So far, Norway is behind on its pledged reduction in emissions and one of the weaker performers in Europe.
NDC Target
Reduce GHG Emissions (by 2030)

1990 levels