Vientiane, 30-31 October 2023
Photo 1 Group Photo Session with Participants of Day 1
ACCEPT II has successfully conducted the workshop as part of joint study namely “An Energy Sector Roadmap to Net Zero Emissions for Lao PDR”. The joint study has been recognized by the 30th Renewable Energy Sub-Sector Network (RE-SSN) meeting on and the 22nd Regional Energy Policy and Planning (REPP-SSN) Meeting held in May 2023. On July 2023, A working team for the joint study between ACE and MEM supported by SEI as technical consultant has been established.
In the first day, Mr Boualom Saysanavong, Chief of Biomass Energy Promotion Division, Department of Energy Efficiency and Promotion delivered his opening remarks by emphasizing the importance of the energy transition and attaining net zero as one of the supports for Lao PDR’s ASEAN Chairmanship Energy Priorities in 2024. He conveyed his commitment to nationally developed the initial finding as Lao PDR’s reference in adapting energy-climate policies to achieve the target. Beni Suryadi, Program Manager for ACCEPT II also addressed his intention to support and accelerate Lao PDR’s net zero progress by conducting technical training, data analysis and emphasizing the key indicator related to the issue. Furthermore, the result of the study will be published in the 8th ASEAN Energy Outlook which will be launched in 2024.
As an introduction of current energy landscape in ASEAN, Dr Zulfikar Yurnaidi, Manager of Energy Modeling and Policy Planning (MPP) has presented the current and projected energy supply and demand of ASEAN by referring to the 7th ASEAN Energy Outlook (AEO7). Muhammad Shidiq, Senior Research Analyst of ACCEPT II delivered the introduction of ACCEPT II project, carbon neutrality and net-zero definition. He underlined the progress and a way forward of the joint study and how the training could support the Lao PDR’s government on energy modeling.
Mr Boualom Saysanavong has mentioned that Lao PDR has determined their commitment to reduce 60% GHG emissions by 2060. The session was focused on introduction of the study and current Lao PDR’s energy sector condition. He has also shared his perspective towards Lao PDR’s energy sector and the intention to reach the renewable energy share by reducing fossil fuels utilization. He emphasized the 30% RE share target by 2025 and dividing them into: (a) 106MW Solar Energy, (b) 400MW Small Hydropower, (c) 145MW Bioenergy for Electricity, (d) 75MW Wind Energy, and (e) Biofuel Utilization. The policy has been established to support the goals however, there are some challenges that Lao PDR is still facing today. The issues include lack of financial support, uneven distribution of electrification, difficulties to implement and upscale the renewable-energy and energy efficiency technology.
In the power sector, Lao PDR has a leading state-owned company namely Electricite du Lao. Mr Chitpanya Phamisith addressed the issue related to Lao PDR’s current condition in power sector. As of today, the grid area is controlled at four regions: The North, Vientiane Capital, The Central, and The South. With those operation points, Lao DPR has generated 10,611MW electricity capacity in 2022. In particular, the electricity generation is primarily supported by hydropower (96%) followed by thermal (2%), biomass (1%), and solar power plant (1%). The company also supports the implementation of cross-border power trade, where the power generation also exported to several countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, China, Malaysia, and Singapore.
Photo 2 Roundtable Discussion during the workshop
The presented materials are intended to be a trigger for the next session which is roundtable discussion. At this point, the participants were divided into four groups with different sectors namely Power, Industry and Transport, Alternative Fuel, and Buildings. Each group is required to discuss the topic that has given rise by ACCEPT. The topic relies around potential technology of net zero, country’s progress on energy transition and the existing regulation that may support the goal. The discussion resulted in a compilation of possible technology that might be implemented in Lao PDR within short-term such as electric vehicle and long-term period such as green hydrogen. The discussion went very enthusiastic. The participants actively joint the roundtable discussions with the topic in achieving Lao PDR’s net zero target by 2060. There were 4 sectors to represent Lao PDR’s greenhouse gases (GHG) generation, which are power, industrial and transport, fuel, and buildings.
In the second day, the participants were provided a LEAP training that is presented by Taylor Binnington. The training involved LEAP introduction and installation, mini study cases using Lao PDR’s condition, and using NEMO optimization. This training aims to support the government of Lao PDR’s for improving the technical and analytical skill especially on energy model. The injection of net-zero perspective has brought up new insights toward the government. The training went well with high enthusiasm from the participant.
As the way forward, ACCEPT II will finalize the data collection with MEM and model and scenario development with SEI. Afterwards, another workshop in February may be conducted to present the findings and seek feedback and input from Lao PDR governments. Align with the Lao PDR’s role as the next ASEAN Chairmanship 2024, the result of the workshop will be launched as the national report of Lao PDR’s roadmap toward net zero target at the 42nd ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM) in 2024.
Detailed information on ACCEPT II can be found at https://accept.aseanenergy.org/
We welcome any future collaboration, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]