Yogyakarta, 11 – 15 February 2019
The 1st Working Meeting of the 6th ASEAN Energy Outlook (AEO) was held at Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 11th to 15th February 2019. This workshop attended by Energy Data/Statistics Expert of 8 AMS: Brunei D, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, to verify and complete the dataset for the AEO6 modeling, which contains energy, power, and socio-economic data.
The development of the AEO reflects the relevance of the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE)’s effort to fulfill its function as a regional center of excellence that builds a coherent, coordinated, focused, and robust energy policy agenda and strategy among the ASEAN Member States (AMS). It is expected to be launched at the 38th ASEAN Ministry of Energy Meeting (AMEM) in September 2020 in Hanoi, Vietnam.
ASEAN Climate Change and Energy Project (ACCEPT), an international cooperation project between the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), under the Norwegian-ASEAN Regional Integration Programme (NARIP) deeply involved on the discussion and engagement with the countries in this five days meeting.
Through their research analyst, Mr Muhammad Rizki Kresnawan, ACCEPT sharing their thoughts on how important the collected data from the country on reflecting the energy situation in each state.
The more robust data were also bringing more clarity on how the country produced the emissions. To bridge the energy and climate under the same umbrella of consideration, hence, ACCEPT contribution becomes vital for the development of AEO6 to foresee the future energy trends in Southeast Asia.
The 1st Working Meeting of the 6th ASEAN Energy Outlook (AEO) in Yogyakarta
As the way forward of this meeting, the modeling team of AEO6 will conduct the second working meeting on model and scenarios. The second workshop will discuss mainly on gathering ideas aiming for designing and shaping the scenarios for AEO6 and will be held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, in March 2019.