Exploring firm and country’s specific factors affecting carbon emission reduction performance: Study on selected ASEAN countries


Sofik Handoyo, Ivan Yudianto, Muhammad Dahlan


Published Date

September 2024





Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran, Dipati Ukur 35, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia


The research aims to analyse the determinants that impact a company’s capability to mitigate carbon emissions in various ASEAN countries, specifically Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Singapore. The investigation delves into company-specific factors, including corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy, green innovation, corporate governance, and product responsibility, as well as country-specific factors such as voice and accountability, regulatory quality, government effectiveness, and the rule of law. The results reveal that all examined company-specific factors exhibit a positive and significant influence on a company’s capability to reduce carbon emissions. Nonetheless, the influence of country-specific factors on emission reduction performance remains indefinite. While regulatory quality and government effectiveness are significantly associated with a company’s emission reduction performance, the same relationship does not apply to voice and accountability and the rule of law.

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